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After 20 months, it is still too early to grade James’ 2014 decision to leave the Heat and return to Ohio habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus

After 20 months, it is still too early to grade James’ 2014 decision to leave the Heat and return to Ohio habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus

After 20 months, it is still too early to grade James’ 2014 decision to leave the Heat and return to Ohio habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus

After 20 months, it is still too early to grade James’ 2014 decision to leave the Heat and return to Ohio habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus

After 20 months, it is still too early to grade James’ 2014 decision to leave the Heat and return to Ohio habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus

After 20 months, it is still too early to grade James’ 2014 decision to leave the Heat and return to Ohio habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus
Presidente: Francesco Sperandio Vice Presidente: Alberto Pietrolati Direttore Sportivo: Agostino Benedetti e Livio Molari Accompagnatore squadra B1: Sergio Micheli e Angelo Buoncristiani Accompagnatori serie D: Michele Partenzi e Sergio Pinchi Accompagnatore serie 2^Div.: Alessandro Allegretti Responsabile settore giovanile: Patrizia Acciarino Addetto Stampa: Michele Partenzi e Giorgio Perugini Segnapunti: Rita Ponti